5 Traits of a Mindful-Agile Mindset

5 Traits of a Mindful-Agile Mindset

The cheetah is the fastest animal on earth and a great illustration of a favourite mantra:

“Speed Up By Slowing Down.”

If you are wondering what the cheetah has to do with a Mindful-Agile Mindset, the answer is EVERYTHING. But let me get back to that later…

Earlier this year I co-facilitated a workshop at 1st Conference, a non-orthodox conference dedicated to the Australian Agile Community, organised by TABAR. Our session was nearly sold out and we explored the similarities between an Agile Culture and a Mindful Culture. Not surprisingly we identified many common aspects between the two.

Honestly, the fact that there is a significant intersection between the Agile Mindset and a Mindful way of working is already well known. A number of articles have been published by thought leaders like Michelle Trudgian (Deloitte) and Kathy Berkidge (Mind at Work). Additionally, formal research on Mindfulness and Agile Software Development has been conducted by Sabine Matook (University of Queensland) and Professor Karlheinz Kautz (RMIT). Still, after attending a few meet-ups organised by The Heart of Agile Melbourne Team recently, I felt compelled to share my 2 cents on the topic here on LI, hence this article…

Below are some traits cultivated through a regular Mindfulness practice which I believe can be highly beneficial for Agile Teams; irrespective of their industry, geography or size.


Beginners Mind is one of the many qualities developed by those who practice mindfulness on a regular basis. It can be defined as the ability to see things, people and events with fresh eyes. People with a Beginner’s Mind let go of previous experiences and judgement. Beginners mind is critical for problem solving and essential for a creative-innovative mindset, but it takes a lot of practice to cultivate such skill. A lovely quote from Zen Master Shunryu Suzuki on this virtue is:

“In the beginners mind there are many possibilities, in the experts mind there are a few.”


When you have only 15 minutes for your daily stand-up meeting, you must be present and focused enough to actively listen and communicate clearly. The high quality of attention developed through a regular mindfulness practice is very welcome here. Missing out on a team member update or the product owner input can cost hours (if not days) of unnecessary re-work.

According to research, by investing just 10 min a day on a mindfulness practice for 4 weeks, one can experience a significant improvement in the quality of their focus. Now if you feel you cant afford 10 min a day, here is another sweet Zen saying for you:

“You should sit in meditation for 20min a day, unless you are too busy; then you should sit for an hour.”


In this Agile World, change is the only constant.

  • Product directions may shift as a result of Review Meetings…
  • Familiar ways of working will evolve after a Reflection Session…
  • New untested ways of working may get adopted…
  • Teams get assembled and dissolved…

Agile mirrors and embraces life’s twists and turns. When change inevitably arrives, do we have the patience to bear with changes that frustrate us or bring fear of the unknown? Will we be able to accept the Product Owner’s decisions that we disagree with, but still put our best effort into what is within our control?

The ability to accept the things that we dont have authority-ability to change or influence is essential. When we do this, our energy and focus can be redirected to the things we can impact. Patience and acceptance (not apathy) are virtues developed naturally as a result of a regular mindfulness practice. The popular serenity prayer beautifully encapsulate the idea:

“May I have the serenity to accept things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can. And wisdom to know the difference.”


A key value and quality of Agile is that it makes the product development process highly responsive to change. For this to work, mindful planning and prioritization are needed during the Release Planning Meeting. A few considerations for reflection are:

  • Are we prioritizing the right/most valuable features or use-case Stories to go into this next Release?
  • Are we holding the plan lightly enough to let go of it and change it when the business environment and customer needs change (sometimes overnight and with little warning)?
  • Which features or use-case Stories in the Backlog do we have a personal preference or affinity for?
  • Do we have the Balance and Equanimity to accept what the Product Owner is telling us to include in or drop from the Sprint?

Again the virtues developed by a regular mindfulness practice, such as equanimity, balance and ability to let go are essential in such scenarios. Those qualities can help Agile Teams to mindfully and effectively set goals, plan and prioritise in the face of ongoing changes.


The Agile way of working (and thinking) requires the ability to focus on current sprint deliverables while maintaining open awareness of what is happening in the business-clients world. This is brilliant because it allows Agile Teams to tune into clients-users reality and deliver relevant-current solutions. However there is a pitfall, as many of us tend to have 2 basic operation modes:

a. Single focus – usually combined with tension

b. Completely relaxed – often prone to distraction

Unfortunately those 2 states are not helpful. The first one tends to keep us in a bubble, alienated from our surroundings. The second is conducive to getting side-tracked. The good news is that a regular mindfulness practice enables us to cultivate a relaxed yet alert state. A state where one can be focused and not mindlessly carried away by unimportant distractions. At the same time, this is a state in which one is openly aware of their surroundings and can detect important distractions that deserve attention and action.

So these are my 2 cents on WHY I believe a regular mindfulness practice can be highly valuable for Agile Teams. Having said that, I am obviously biased.

Circling back to the cheetah…

Nature is always teaching us, if only we pay attention. Paraphrasing Rasmus Hougaard from his first wonderful book “One Second Ahead”:

“The cheetah has been recorded running at speeds of 120km per hour. Yet if the cheetah was to run at that pace for a full day, it would be dead from exhaustion in just hours. For the cheetah to use its full speed while hunting most effectively, it starts very slowly. At first, it slowly stalks its prey, blood engorging its muscles and its brain maintaining a singular focus. This brief phase of calm actually enables the cheetah to explode into action when its prey is within range.”

In summary, cultivating a mindfulness practice can help ALL of us (not just Agile Teams) to speed up by slowing down. If you need help to get started do not hesitate to reach out!

Learn more:

*** Special thanks to my Potential Project colleagues, David ChungSarah RobertsonMurray PatersonMartin Strom and Reza Daryaei, for discussing and exploring the synergies between Agile and Mindfulness.


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