Simon Wilkinson

Simon Wilkinson


I am an experienced technical CTO with strong roots in customer engagement, proven skills in stakeholder management and innovative design solutions. I am also a strong communicator, who is passionate about creating great software and design solutions to solve high level business needs. In doing so I also understand that the high level goals need to be grounded in customer needs.

Having a background in Computer Science and strong presentation skills developed through early stages in my career I bring a rare mix to the table, a confident technical communicator.

I am interested in Big Data, Innovation, AI and Agile frameworks for software development.

1. Which of the 10 declarations of The Mindful CIO Manifesto resonate the most with you? Why?
Healthy boundaries is my favourite, it reconnects me with what is important.

2. What is your #1 Strategy (or Ritual) for Self-Care?
I meditate and practice Karate it helps me focus my mind.

3. What Mindful Leadership means to you?
Mindful leadership means looking to ensure that you lead always thinking about others and how your decisions impact them.

4. Why do you think The Mindful CIO movement/community is important?
I love the movement, what the group is trying to do is talk about and engage with issues that are not normally discussed in C-level board rooms.

5. What leadership lesson you would like to share?
Treat the cleaner like you treat the CEO, all people are special regardless of their title.