1. Which of the 10 declarations of The Mindful CIO Manifesto
#2 We promote a health culture.
2. What is your #1 Strategy (or Ritual) for Self-Care?
Lots of exercise (walking my dog, Pilates, riding my mountain bike). 10 mins of meditation of a morning. Setting a daily intention.
3. What does Mindful Leadership mean to you?
Leading by example. Making time to connect with people. Being compassionate. Putting yourself in the shoes of others.
4. Why do you think The Mindful CIO movement is important? In other words, why have you accepted to become a Champion of this community?
Growing, fostering a group of people that are passionate on bringing mindful practices to the industry, ultimately to make the industry a happy and healthy place to work.
Tapping Into Kindness & Compassion With Lisa Peters